If your workplace, organization, or educational institution is demanding your vaccination status, there are resources out there you can use to combat them. Your private medical information is just that, private, and you are under no terms required to provide that information to anyone. We encourage you to review and consider some of the resources provided below that may suite your needs in defending your privacy and liberties.Resist Vaccination Coercion with Liberty Coalition Canada.
Resist Mandatory Vaccinations
Employee Statutory Legal Requirement Request
Vaccine Mandate Info Flyers
Is It Safe?
Dealing With Employers
Participating With Sports Teams
Resist Vaccination Coercion with Liberty Coalition Canada
Christian Declaration Against Vaccine Coercion
Demand for Accommodation from Mandatory COVID Vaccination
By James S. M. Kitchen, Chief Litigator, Liberty Coalition Canada
You can learn more and find other ways to resist by visiting:
Vaccine Exemptions