Justin Trudeau is locking down the country violating our Charter Rights to freedom of mobility and detaining Canadians.

Tell Doug Ford you what him to fight against these unconstitutional orders!


Charter Rights: Mobility

WHEREAS the Trudeau Administration announced significant, excessive and unconstitutional restrictions on travel for Canadian citizens;

AND WHEREAS restrictions on returning Canadians include mandatory PCR tests which have been proven to produce a significant number of false positives;

AND WHEREAS these same restrictions will place Canadians who test negative under unlawful confinement in a government selected facility at the citizens’ personal expense, and further require these people finish a 14 day quarantine at home, and where that is not possible, in an undisclosed government isolation/detention facility;

AND WHEREAS Section 6(1) of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that “Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada”;

AND WHEREAS these limits being prescribed by law are not  demonstrably justified with evidence or facts by the Trudeau Administration; 

WE, the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to assert and defend our individual freedoms guaranteed under the Charter of  Rights and Freedoms of the people of Ontario, and demand that Prime Minister Trudeau lift these unwarranted restrictions on our citizens, and if necessary seek leave in our courts to nullify the unconstitutional actions imposed by the Federal government.

Protect Our Mobility Rights